Saturday, November 14, 2009

Do you consider MMA, PRIDE, and UFC a sport or a game?

Anyone catch those thugged out Geico cavemen look-a-likes on these reality "fighting" shows? They seem to be on everyday now. These undisciplined punks. Kung Fu is a sport, Tae Kwon Do is a sport, Golf is a sport, watching these pigs fight is not a sport, it is a game, much like the Xbox 360 because it takes no skill to throw wild haymakers and roll on the floor twisting someone's arm trying to make them cry 'uncle'.

Where is the skill and the athletic ability? There is none. Why do these guys waste all the hours in the day doing this? It makes me sad. They might as well play checkers, magic the gathering, or shuffle board. Its all the same thing. Its a game, not a sport.

Does anyone else agree with me? I'd rather watch curling or my nephew playing the Wii, because its basically the same thing as what these "athletes" do.

Do you consider MMA, PRIDE, and UFC a sport or a game?
These events should be considered in the arena of extreme sports.

Unlike the staged theatrics and soap opera of WCW and similar venues; the guys who participate in the MMA, PRIDE, and UFC are actual fighters.

Martial Art styles (Kung Fu, Karate, Tang Su Do, Judo, Jujitsu, Kempo, Akido, etc) were not developed as a "sport" but were developed as actual combat and war-fighting methods.

Tae Kwon Do is a sport (it was developed from Tang So Do) and as most of the Martial Arts community can vouch for it is something which everyone can do and no one gets hurt; but it was designed with that in mind. I have seen Tae Kwon Do practitioners completely dominate and defeat undisciplined people in fights. One individual defeated four guys in a matter of about 45 seconds.

Judo is a sport, however, I have seen some of the worst injuries not from kick-boxing but from Judo matchs, broken arms, legs, necks, dislocated joints are very comon. A guy who knows Judo is a very dangerous person indeed.

In real Martial Arts the warrior who knew the most usually had a much better chance of surviving an actual conflict.

Your analysis of a bunch of brutes throwing each other around is completely uneducated, misinformed, and wrong. Militaries, Law Enforcement, and all sorts of goverrnment agencies world-wide pay billions of dollars each year in order to train their men in such combat scenarios and systems. The reason they do this is because it works and it saves lives.

With that part being said, I think that the current craze of so-called exteme fighting has greatly detracted from the pure sport of fighting and has lessened and cheapened the respect and credibility of fighting systems. They are no longer contests to see which is better and how to learn but unmercifull bloodsport with trash talking.


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